Saturday, August 22, 2009

lunch - Chicken & Pasta in Cacciatore Sauce

mm mmm good buon appetito!  I have been under the weather a bit so I have skipped the last 2 Nutrisystem meals (dinner and today's breakfast).  And frankly, I couldn't get more than 3 spoonfuls of yesterday's tomato/corn chowder down.  Haven't had much of an appetite, and the thought of eating Nutrisystem made me even more nauseous.
But after popping two Aleve this morning, I am feeling well enough to restart with this delectable Chicken & Pasta.  It could be my sick palate but it tastes very tangy and the chicken... well, it tastes like chicken/soy pressed into a chicken cube (somewhat like the McRib in texture).  The "chicken" cube tastes like an eraser in texture (or what I would imagine an eraser to taste like).

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