Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DINNER: Beef Teriyaki

For dinner last night, I selected a Beef Teriyaki with noodles.  This was a disappointment.  Like most Nutrisystem dinner entrees, the Teriyaki was VERY saucy.  It was nothing like the photo below.  In MY dinner, the few limp noodles swam among in the starchy, thick sauce.  It was not a stir-fry.  The dish had 5 pieces of cut up baby corn and surprisingly a lot of little bits of water chestnuts.

The sauce was far too sweet for my taste.  Again I could not finish this dish.  After eating all the solid food parts in the sauce, the plastic container was still more than 1/2 filled with thick, corn-starchy sauce.  There was no way I could even ingest that.

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