Monday, August 24, 2009

Breakfast: Apple Strudel

Back on Nutrisystem, I picked up my breakfast "entree" - an Apple Strudel Scone.  I could not finish it.  I could not finish the fluffy PowerBar-like breakfast pastry.  Where some foodies describe great food as "mouth-meltingly tender", Nutrisystem breakfast pastries are the completely opposite.  I think this is deliberate.

The breakfast foods are the antithesis of mouth-meltingly tender - it takes several chews just to get through the fibrous-filling-ish styrofoaming, fluffy dense consistency (very hard to describe).   It's not hard, but not soft like cotton-candy either. It takes a lot of effort to chew because the pastry itself is a little gummy and dense (but in a light way).

I think it is intentional as it forces the eater to take time to eat the product.  Unlike a nice flaky scone that breaks apart and dissolves with a gulp of coffee (and can be inhaled in less than 5 minutes), the Nutrisystem scone is more like styrofoam that needs effort to break apart and digest.  I think after 15 minutes, the eater gets so tired from chewing that any additional food appears unappetizing.

That's what happened this morning.  I brought a scone on my way to a business meeting.   The drive was 25 minutes, and I started eating the scone as I got in the car.  About half way down the commute, I just gave up eating the scone.  It didn't taste great and the effort and weird mouth texture just wasn't worth it.

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