Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BREAKFAST: Chocolate Cake :)

The thought of eating another fluffy Apple Strudel PowerBar for breakfast was completely unappetizing (which I suppose is the purpose).  So I did my own substitution yesterday morning, by replacing the breakfast entree with a dessert; or more specifically, chocolate cake!
The cake does not look this good in real life - first it's far flatter and a little wider.  Plus, the photo doesn't include the wonderful plastic packaging and the silica dry packet.

As far as Nutrisystem baked goods go, the chocolate cake is far better than any of the other breakfast baked goods (apple strudel scone, chocolate chip scone).  Much more moist... but like the other baked goods, difficult to eat.  Not hard, but very fibrous and dense (but again not hard).  Again, I could not finish eating the whole thing; I think I just got bored chewing and eating. 

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